The kids' birthday party
We had a party for the boys on the day of the World Cup Final.For once it was a half decent final tho' I naturally backed the wrong horse....
John ,Arlene ,Andre and Marcia and their kids were over to help us celebrate the fact that the diving cheating Portugese hadn't made it to the final(Yes I am still bitter),and a fine time was had by all.Actually our Brazilian friends had wanted the aforementioned diving cheating scum to win after Brazil were knocked out,but that's a whole other story and we're all friends again now !
My brother Simon was also over from England,and the kids party turned into a right piss up I have to say.
And on a sunday night too.
Next year we'll focus the party more on the kids rather than the football and the piss up side of things,but ..well..what can ya do ??!!
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