As a kid I used to love the TV show "It's the Wolf" where Lambsy used to tell everyone that Mildew the wolf was about to attack and dangle her of a cliff or some such nonsense ...and of course, when the wolf DID finally appear, nobody believed her (I looked the names up on Google as my memory is not that good!).
Well... this cartoon was a view into future US foreign policy. Now that the US has made a mess of Iraq, it only makes sense to the US to finish the job and to pop nextdoor and sort out the other pesky thorn in its side -Iran.
Now, I am no fan of the Iranian leadership, especially when it comes to his views on Israel and the holocaust, but just what does the US think it will achieve if it continues to rise to the bait?
Any strike on Iran would set alight an already treacherous situation in that region. The Russians have long had strong trade and diplomatic relations with Iran, and are unlikely to back the West if push comes to shove.
A standoff between Iran (backed by Russia)and the West would return us to the terrifying doomsday scenarios of the Cold War - except this time, the US (and UK) have lost the moral high ground thanks to an illegally-declared war in Iraq...
On the other hand, the world cannot allow the current Iranian leadership to possess a nuclear arsenal. So here we go again, with the US rolling out its whole "weapons of mass destruction" rhetoric, and this time - guess what - the wolf IS actually a real danger but who's going to believe and trust Lambsy this time around?
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