Monday, October 09, 2006

Got lazy

Well it seems some people did bookmark this site as I've been getting a few comments that I've been getting lazy with my posts.
Hmm.Life has been crazy these last few weeks.The main development is that I start a new job tomorrow .
Yes after 17 years it was time to move on, so I will be the new kid in the schoolyard tomorrow morning.
They held a massive piss-up in my honour last Tuesday(could we not have had a Friday ? Another 3 years and maybe ..).To cut a long story short...lots of beer,shooters, and bed at 4am-crashed at the Days Inn for the night as a workmate from Ottawa was here.
Woke up at 8.30, felt fine,....realised I was still pissed, then ahd the pleasure of the encroaching hangover at work...the spinning room, the sweats,shivers and the other word that starts with s.

Just to polish off the week, we were at the Winking Judge beer festival in Hamilton with friends this saturday, despite the fact I'd had more beer this week that a rugby team.

Today was Turkey Day here -so Colleen's family were all over - ate too much tho' with starting the new gig tomorrow I laid off the booze today !

Will update the blog later in the week with news of the new gig.


At 6:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus Richard...who the hell is that guy???

Anyway, just popping in to see your blog. Glad your first week went well!

See ya Friday!

At 1:04 p.m., Blogger John said...

Holy Sh*t, Welcome to the world of Regiouspam...

At 4:24 p.m., Blogger Richard said...

Who the hell asked him ?

At 11:53 p.m., Blogger John said...

Oops, I just reread that... I meant religiouspam... Jeezus John if you're going to create a new word, as least fooking spell it right man...


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