Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Great folk song about MCFC

Thanks to Peter for sending me this link today.
Lots of great memories of Maine Road in this wonderful folk song.

High Five!

Finally got to see Borat the movie this weekend.
How the heck did he get away with everything.Never mind Kazakhstan looking like a backwater, those Americans.....
Anyway, in case you have been living in a cave this year,m check out this site with the trailer.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Holy shit it's nearly Christmas!

And no Xmas shopping done in this house. The Santa Clause parade is on this weekend in T.O. and the TV is full of Xmas tat being adevrtised.HELP!!

More panic- I have to come up with my annual Xmas letter too.ARGH.....

Cardio challenge

One of the benefits of my new gig, is a gym membership, and I have greatly enjoyed my 1st few weeks at Family Fitness.So much so that Colleen has now joined too. They have a free Kids Club (babysitting service) and many of our friends are also members there.
John and I have set ourselves a 150 minute/week cardio/weights challenge whereby if either of us fails to make it to 150 mins in a week, we have to buy a 6 pack of beer for the other. Now this is a serious gauntlet to throw down, as you can imagine.High stakes!
There is one rider on it- that if of your team wins (City or Newcastle) you get 15 "free" minutes towards the 150....we're not banking on that !

So far so good- I hit 150 (just) in week one, and blasted thru it last week, clocking 240 mins.

This week is more of a challenge as we have a beer n curry night on tomorrow and a busy weekend, but it's all about a balanced lifestyle right??

My aim is to lose 30lbs by June 1st,so about 1 lb per week.So far I'm on track but I refer you back to the above paragraph!! much for 2 updates a week!

I think I've fallen into the trap of getting lazy with the blog...
Since the last update we had Hallow'een.Andrew decided he wanted to be a redcoat from the British army, and Sean decided Captain Jack Black from Pirates of the Caribbean...Colleen found a red jacket at a charity shop, bought some gold buttons and braid and got creative.His hat is an old pirate hat with the skull and crossbones blacked out with electrical short - the lad looked the dog's bollocks. Sean was a vicious pirate as you can see and they enjoyed plenty of swordfights.They went trick or treating with Emily Allison and Ethan, and it's fair to say we'll have no reason to buy any candy until May at the earliest.

There was a party at a friend's house that weekend so Colleen and I went as hippies.Groovy baby.